fresh from the garden

fresh from the garden


Welcome to the ramblings of a fifty-something suburban "farmer"

Hoping that if you should stumble upon this blog my daily musings might bring a little smile to your day.

Friday, April 16, 2010

one down

Well we survived the first day. It's really amazing how far the school has come in the last three years. it is already ready fully functional with a computer lab ,kitchen and even snack bar all for a lot less than the seventy four million dollars they are putting up for a new minnechaug high school (Actually around one half of one percent).I'll bet the kids will probably learn more also. Bear with me as far as spelling goes. Spellcheck tries to check my spell in Spanish making every word except "a" incorrect. I know that my spelling may leave a little to be desired but come on every wurd (jk). It wasn't warm today, it was hot. I paced myself and even took a nap in the afternoon. Don't worry everyone is keeping an eye on me,no over doing it this year . If it kills me I promise not to come back. Did I mention it was hot? As we approached the school today we were greeted by most of the student body. They lined both sides of the road as we walked in .It was like the superbowl. The school has grown to over four hundred students .It definately reaffirmed why we keep coming back.The ladies from the school made us a fine lunch as usual . It's difficult remembering that today is Friday. it seems so much like Monday .Did I mention it was hot?

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